Zimbabwe: Govt Hails Prospect Lithium Zimbabwe Community Activities

The government has saluted Prospect Lithium Zimbabwe (PLZ) for unveiling a series of community projects on the back of calls for deeper engagement with local leaders in charting the development agenda.

PLZ recently tabled a US$1,3 million community projects initiative targeting youth, women and infrastructure development.

The projects dubbed, Goromonzi Community Development Project, Launch Ceremony and Public Welfare Experience Day were launched at a function held recently at Vhuta Primary School in Goromonzi, Zimbabwe.

Minister of State for Mashonaland East Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Dr Apollonia Munzverengwi hailed the company for completing the government’s development efforts.

“These community projects initiated by PLZ are designed to uplift and empower our communities and will go a long way in ensuring that there is continuous and sustainable development in Goromonzi district.

“The initiative by Prospect Lithium Zimbabwe resonates well with the desired corporate social responsibility, as we seek to contribute immensely towards the Government’s commitment to creating a better life for all. As we traverse in our President’s mantra of leaving no one and no place behind” she said.

The top government official said the slated projects by PLZ were aimed at addressing some of the most pressing challenges facing our communities in the Goromonzi district such as the community health project, the vocational training project, the women’s empowerment project and energy equity project.

Munzverengwi said these initiatives will help create jobs, and stimulate local economies in the pursuit to improve the provincial GDP and will go a long way in improving the livelihood of our general populace in the district, the province and the nation at large.

“I am also delighted that PLZ found it prudent and sensible to also give hampers to eighty-four elderly-headed households from the villages surrounding the PLZ plant. This complimentary gesture is plausible, giving Christmas to the befitting vulnerable elderly beneficiaries.

“The hampers for the elderly are essential in ensuring that our seniors receive the nourishment they need to maintain a healthy well-being. Many elderly individuals experience loneliness and isolation and through programs like food hampers distribution there is a sense of community and social connection,” she added.

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